Shades of cool

20 March 2012

Clarissa brought a big pile of films from the library for us to watch. As we watched them, we noticed how many rabbits were wearing shades to make them look cool.

First we watched "Reservoir Rabbits": A film by Quentin Rabbitino. I didn't like this one: there was a nasty bit when a poor rabbit got his ear cut off.

Reservoir Rabbits poster


Then we watched "The Blues Bunnies". This was much more fun, and we sang along to all the songs.

The Blues Bunnies


Finally we watched Audrey Hepbunny in "Breakfast at Tiffbunny's". I was a bit disappointed that they didn't have carrots for breakfast, but it was quite nice all the same.

Audrey Hepbunny


Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh!

17 March 2012

Irish rabbit with shamrocks

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Holiday time

7 March 2012

"Have you done anything for this week's Illustration Friday challenge yet?" asked Clarissa.

"No," I said. "The theme's intention. It's too difficult, and I'm too tired to think of anything."

"You need a holiday," said Clarissa.

I agreed. Actually, we both need a holiday. Trouble is, we like different holidays. I started to draw our favourite holidays.

Clarissa likes to go camping...

Rabbit camping tent. I, on...

Rabbit on the beach

...the other hand, prefer five star luxury.

"Oh look," said Clarissa. "You've done it: in-tent-I-on!"

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!

1 March 2012

Bore da! Cousin Myfanawy Rabbit came all the way from Llantwllcwningen to see us to celebrate St David's Day. So I drew this picture of her in her traditional Welsh costume: a red cape, and one of those hats that are nearly as tall as her ears.

Welsh rabbit

When Welsh rabbits go mining, they don't dig for coal; they dig for carrots. Here's a picture that I drew of Cousin Llewellyn Rabbit in his mining gear, with one of the tasty carrots that he found.

Welsh mining rabbit

And here's the Welsh Dragon.

Welsh dragon

Sydd yn ei ofni y ddraig goch fawr? Who's afraid of the big red dragon? Not us, when he's got such a big friendly smile.